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CGS 299 Advanced Practicum in Critical Gender Studies

• 042224: Online office hours today are cancelled. Sorry about that! E-mail me with your availability to set up a meeting.
Caste and Corporeality Conference April-May (Free, UCHRI). This interdisciplinary conference brings together studies of caste, which have historically been the remit of the social sciences, with discourses of the body which are rooted in the arts and humanities.

This course, the capstone in the graduate specialization in Critical Gender Studies, is designed for students in their final year of dissertation writing. Members of the practicum will present their dissertation research and mutually explore the interdisciplinary dimensions and implications of their work.

bt werner
Professor of Environmental Physics and Complex Systems
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Teaching Professor in Critical Gender Studies
Faculty Affiliate in Ethnic Studies

Mondays 200-450PM LGBT Resource Center Conference Room

OFFICE HOURS (tentative)
Mondays 11AM-NOON Online
Tuesdays 100-150PM Mandeville Cafe
Thursdays 100-150PM Mandeville Cafe

CGS 299 is not intended to be a hurdle in pursuing graduate specialization in Critical Gender Studies, but rather to boost your push towards completing and defending your dissertation and presenting your research to a broader audience. To that end, we will focus on workshopping writing selections, preparing presentations and providing feedback.

• Discuss barriers for writing and presenting your research in your dissertation and at conferences and strategies for overcoming those barriers.
• Practice giving and receiving feedback on your writing and presentations.
• Strategize regarding incorporating Critical Gender Studies methods and frameworks into your interdisciplinary research.
• Engage in collective writing in a supportive writing group setting.
• Make practical progress towards completing and defending your dissertation.

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