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CGS 101 Gender and Globalization


• 030224: I forgot to post the link for the Ukraine/Land article, but it is now available on the Assigned Reading Page.
• 022324: Week Eight RAT is now available. thanks for your patience!
• 021824: because Monday, Feb 19 is a holiday, there will be no office hours. office hours this week are tue thurs 1230-130pm at Mandeville cafe, or by appointment - for an appointment, e-mail me your availability.
• 021424: A calendar listing all remaining assignments is available at the ASSIGNMENT CALENDAR Link in the right column. Soon a link for an iCal feed will be available, which you can important to your calendar apps. It will take me a few more days to make that happen...
•013124: Because of forecast intense rain, class on Thursday, February 1 will be both In-Person and Online. For the online link, see the Links page. If you are traveling to campus, please be careful in the streets!

Globalization is a process that creates, modifies, amplifies and severs economic, political and social links across the globe. Rooted in colonialism, fast-tracked by neoliberal capital's privatization and free trade discourses and spawning resistance ranging from individual acts to broad-based social movements, globalization disproportionately harms but also empowers BIPOC, Womxn, Trans and Queer Folk, Disabled People, Workers, and many others who have experienced its heavy hand. Globalization influences the construction of gender and sexual identities, and has created landscapes of extreme inequality, environmental destruction and conflict. In CGS 101, we will combine sampling theoretical concepts to describe these gendered, anti-Black, colonized and racialized landscapes with a focus on case studies that highlight the interplay between the devastation left in the wake of globalization and the resistance against it.

CGS 101 will meet Tuesdays/Thursdays 1100AM-1220PM PST in Warren Lecture Hall during Winter Quarter.

The current time (PST) in Kumeyaay Territory (so called San Diego) is:

CGS 101 will be 'conducted' on stolen, colonized, occupied Kumeyaay Land. ¡La lucha sigue!

Download the 2024 CGS 101 Flyer here.

Contact bwerner AT ucsd DOT edu with questions.

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